Friday, May 13, 2011

Jobs to which we should all aspire.....

So as part of the research we do on all these companies, we have to search through their websites looking for people we can contact. Usually, the companies only have really high level management (like the Board of Directors and Senior Executives) listed on their site. So I got a kick out of the list I found on the the National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management website. 

Plumber. Really?! In case someone from another company needs to call YOUR plumber. At first I was appalled. But then I remembered Carl's experience two days ago (read it here) and I realized maybe it was a good idea. If only GIZ (the company we visited that day) had their plumber listed online, Carl could call and give him a tip or two. Or a warning.

Then I kept scrolling down the page and found this:

Yeah. PEONS. That's right. That's what I want to be when I grow up. A peon. So I got curious. What exactly does a peon do? Check out THESE credentials:

Needless to say, I'm learning A LOT about India doing this research.


wilsmex said...

Moriah, someones gotta photocopy documents, and plug the VCR into the TV. At least he got the proper training.

Peg said...

The thing I noticed that was interesting was that the peon you highlighted got his training in 1993 and 1995 but joined the company in 1983 (what'd he do the first 10 years?) and he's really been there 27 years? Is this for real?

Levin said...

Ummm... So I may have immediately flashed back to a decade and a half ago when the original Warcraft was da bomb when I read this.

Every industry is going to need someone to be bossed around. I just feel sorry for their dogs :(