Ok, I'm going to be honest here. I don't know how I feel about this mandatory blogging thing. I think blogging is like posting your journal online. This blog is actually the result of an assignment in my CS 404 class so I'll be responding to some interesting ideas in the near future. Stay tuned...
Well, this is the interesting thing about blogs -- it can really be whatever you want it to be. You *can* post your journal online (although I strongly recommend against it). You can post generic thoughts that invite public scrutiny or comments. You can position it as a column of sorts, where everything you write is intended for public consumption.
Independent of all that, I've found that just having a public place to reflect causes me to write and think more, but still with an eye to an external audience. It winds up generating a different kind of writing than I would do entirely for myself.
That last post was, in fact from me. Not trying to be mysterious. Just a little username glitch with blogger. :)
Dr. K
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